Welcome to my blog

Hi, my name is Jan!
I’m a Technical Product Owner with experience as QA Automation Engineer.
Currently I’m developing myself in AI, project building and project management domains.
Here on the blog, I’m sharing my thoughts and insights in both work and life journey.
Feel free to hit me up with any questions or just to connect and share ideas.

How to deploy a Flask API on a VPS server?

How to create a simple flask API and deploy it on the VPS server? The first project based on the GenAI knowledge I’ve gathered recently is going to be my own assistant that will help me with my various daily tasks. The foundation that will power that assistant is going to be my own API, which will enable the assistant to use not only AI models but also other services and tools that will extend its capabilities....

January 27, 2024 · 6 min · Jan Banot

My AI journey in 2024

My AI journey in 2024 The rise of AI in 2023 Last year was groundbreaking in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the public release of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, the term ‘AI’ began to appear frequently in the media. This surge in public attention brought both challenges and opportunities. More and more people are using the tools, what provides engineers with better feedback about what is working and what should be improved....

January 7, 2024 · Jan Banot

About Me

Hello Everyone! In this first post on my personal blog, I want to share a few facts about myself: I’m a 25-year-old Technical Product Owner with with 4 years of professional experience as QA Automation Engineer. Last year, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Engineering Degree in Computer Science from AGH University in Cracow. My main field of interests are AI, project building and management. Currently I’m trying to develop my skills in these areas by building my own projects and engaging in daily learning at my workplace....

January 1, 2024 · Jan Banot